New Chapter

Created by Karen 17 years ago
I'm a weird character like marmite u either LOVE me or HATE me, I hope YA'LL love me!! if not i just dont give a F**K neways?? I dnt get put dwn easy by words, I like 2 be the STAR of the show, n if u wanna steal that from me f**k u? I'm one of the vainest guys ul know? as im vain but not that good looking? (very modest lmao). I love 2 be flirtatous n make people feel special, as i like 2 be treated in the same way? I don't need 2 prove my machsimo 2 the boys or my feminism 2 the girls i'm ME, 4 me B***H XXXXXX (written by stephen for his myspace page)

