Tanya <3 PV 30th December 2009

Sometimes if I close my eyes for long enough, I see your beautiful smile. Sometimes if I close my ears, I can still hear your cheeky laugh. Sometimes if I'm lucky enough I dream of you. & Sometimes when the world stops for an instant, and all I'm thinking of is you, I can feel your arms around me. You used to give the greatest hugs pv, and you always used to say how much you loved mine. I never stop thinking of you, I miss you so much babe. I get scared that If it goes to long, I'll forget the little things you used to do that made you perfect in our friendship, the way we used to argue like a married couple cause we cared so much, the way we'd constantly pick each other up cause we was both insecure! You reassure me, I reassure you, best boy & best girl. Against the world riiiighhhhtttt? I know its not possible cause you had to much of an impact on me to ever forget, maybe you'll come to see me again soon when I'm sleeping. I love you mr pemberton-viles. Tanya xxx