shabzakaschott4life 30th August 2008

gosh its been 6 mnthz or so...god i can still remember d first tym i eva met yooh and d first thingu did before even talkin to me..u made me smile...infact woz der eva a tym wen u neva made me smile becuz i wud lyk to knw LOL...evryone eho eva knew u missez u loadz n loadz n loadz and so do i...sumtymz i ave those tymz wen i jus wish i cud stop evrything ...i wish there woz a button i cud push and tym wud jus cum to a stop...but then i think and think of yooh and it gives me strength...i still find it and will alwayz find it difficult to believe that u of all people PV could be so selfish and leave all of us behind...thats jus so selfish ill get u back for it LOL...but anyhow chik ive got to go now but alwayz knw that i remember yooh and will alwayz remember yooh 4eva :D lots of love and smilez :D :D :D XXXXXXX ROSIE aka PINKY:d ...N OMG! I LOVED PINK MORE THEN YOOH SO HAHA !!!! XX